No. Here are “Matt’s Rules”:
Confidentiality – Because my Members are very busy running successful
businesses and implementing systems for a more profitable and enjoyable business, I do not release Member names. If and when you become a Member, you will appreciate this rule.
Hey, I’m a straight shooter so I’ll come right out and tell you… some dealers who have invested in my books, trainings and other programs have not seen the success they were expecting. The main reason was, they didn’t have the time to implement what they learned.
If you look at how they sell and market today versus what they did prior to our relationship, you will see almost no change. (Without implementation, even the best strategies and tactics will have zero impact!)
That’s why I’ve created this Ultimate Boot Camp program, to ensure these systems and tools get implemented. (Implemented quickly and with my personal attention!)And, that’s another reason for the application process, to ensure there are no major hurdles to implementation that will hinder maximum success.
“So, What Do I Do Now? What’s the Next Step?”
If you want to take the next step, to TAKE ACTION, fill out the Confidential Application Form below. Then, once your application is received, it will be put on the pile for review as soon as possible.
Because this program is limited to only 12 participants (only one per area) and GUARANTEED, I will be very selective about who is admitted to these boot camps. I want to ensure we are working with dealers who are most committed to success.
Not necessarily the largest or the fanciest dealers in the area, but the ones we are going to work best with and who will achieve the most amazing results based on their commitment to success.
Unless everything about your boat dealership’s sales and marketing system are already perfect and you feel there is no room for improvement, how could you pass up this opportunity to say ‘MAYBE’?
It’s important for you to fill out the application right away, since you want to get this moving before the busy season is here again.
Once the main selling season starts, you will be losing money each hour, each day, each week you delay… (lost deals, lost margin and lost money in you and your employees’ pockets).
Don’t delay… It will likely be the most profitable 3 days of your entire year as a dealership owner!
And, if another dealer from your area applies and is accepted, you WILL BE locked out from participating. You won’t just be behind, you will be aced out completely! And, your competitor will be armed with a powerful system to steal what should be your profitable sales.
Fill out the application below. Don’t skip anything (incomplete applications will be automatically declined). Once you have completely and accurately filled in the application, click the Submit button.
After you submit the application, it will be added to the pile for review. Once your application is received, it will be put on the pile for review as soon as possible. Ifapproved, a call will be scheduled and all of the details will be revealed.
Remember: you are only saying “maybe”.
Your final decision comes only after you’ve exhausted all of your questions and relieved all of your doubts.
I’m confident if you’ve read this far, watched the DVD, Googled me, or read my Boating Industry and Soundings Trade Only articles, you know a more enjoyable and profitable dealership awaits – – If you just act.