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How the
System Can Help You Sell More Boats, Make More Money, and Have More Fun!
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Sell More Boats With Matt
with his Latest Articles, Videos, and Podcast Episodes
Boat Dealer Profits TV – What my daughter taught me about success
Did you know that Boat Dealer Profits offers a full service digital marketing agency for Boat Dealers with an ‘area exclusive’ relationships? Yeah, that’s Google Adwords, Google Display Ads, FaceBook Ads, Geo-Targeting, Geo-Fencing, Lead Generation, Retargeting, Remarketing and muc...
4 Keys to Digital Marketing Success for Family Owned Boat Dealerships
In this episode you will discover 4 Keys to Digital Marketing Success for Family Owned Boat Dealerships How you can apply research to change your approach to boat sales The #1 mistake good boat dealers make… and continue to make year after year Why the FaceBook pixel and tracking code are so i...
Boat Dealer Profits TV – The power of the mastermind principle
Did you know that Boat Dealer Profits offers a full service digital marketing agency for Boat Dealers with an ‘area exclusive’ relationships? Yeah, that’s Google Adwords, Google Display Ads, FaceBook Ads, Geo-Targeting, Geo-Fencing, Lead Generation, Retargeting, Remarketing and muc...
What Other Marine Industry Professionals Have to Say

"At MRAA, we work hard to find experts with insight, tools and strategies that can really make a difference for marine businesses. The appeal of working with Matt is that his advice is based on what was successful for him as a salesperson for a leading marine dealership. It’s practical. It’s proven. And it’s designed to be effective in any size business."
Liz Walz, VP of MRAA and MDCE Host

Matt has spoken for us at our annual Marine Dealer Conference & Expo and written multiple articles for the website. He always provides great information to help dealers improve their marketing.
Jonathan Sweet, Managing Editor of Boating Industry Magazine and MDCE Host

I can highly recommend Matt and his abilities - I have seen Matt's presentations a number of times, and have verified his results with a number of clients. His experience, techniques and philosophies have valuable applications to the marine dealers he is working with.. He is a valuable asset to anyone who engages his services
Mark Yearn, Marine Insurance Specialist at Norman Spencer

If you are in need of improving your online presence or overall marketing strategy, I'd certainly give Matt at call. Not only does he understand sales and marketing, he has demonstrated a tremendous success in the industry.
Rick Neal, VP of Sales and Marketing at Hall Marine (Top 100 Dealer)

The Fast Track program really gave Marine Concepts a leg up over our competition. Through ideas such as the marketing wagon wheel, the lifetime value of the client, and understanding the ways in which to market our message, we’ve seen an increase in our listings. Matt’s program has helped us climb to new heights and implement fresh ways to reach old, and new, customers. All in all, our marketing efforts have never been so focused, and successful. Thank you Matt!
Shana White, Co-Owner of Marine Concepts (YBAA & CPYB Broker)